Agent Orange

The Vietnam war was long before my time however my dad served in it and has been affected by Agent Orange as well. Forty years later, people are still affected by it from the Veterans in the U.S. to those in Vietnam. It goes to show that chemical warfare can never lead to anything good even after the apologies have been exchanged and the guns have been laid down; people are still reminded of it through deformities. A war never really ends because the fallout from it is all around us even decades and perhaps centries later. Just b/c the fighting has stopped does not mean it all just “goes away”; tell it to the Vietnamese who are still to this day affected by AO because its still circulating through their water systems and in the vegetables they eat.

I mean when in the world will men “grow up” and realize that wars and fighting rather than communication is so primitive? I mean really. Why don’t we just throw off our clothes and wear bear skin while we’re at it.

Please men in high positions in this world … grow the fuck up. It’s so easy to declare and march off to war when YOU are not the one fighting in it and won’t be there to experience the aftermaths.

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