You all know how much I like vintage and you would think in this city where vintage was all around, there would be some musicians here interested in exploring alternative music … I would be certainly interested in playing in a band with my cello for the fun of it. I am not very good at writing music or playing by ear, and Is suck at scales but it would be something fun to get into; nothing professional. I’ve written some music on my own but sometimes playing by yourself is much like playing in a sandbox by yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I love classical music but playing it everytime I lay my hand on the instrument can get really dry. My favorite alternative cellists are all women, of course. My favorite are Rasputina, Zoe Keating, Serena Jost and The Sob Sisters. I think they are all very cool. I would give my left breast to meet some girls to have as friends and play alternative music with them. Unfortunately, Hampton Roads, Virginia is not the epitome of talent. It would make more sense for a musician to beat it out of here than to linger around in this dead town. I don’t know what tourists see in it … I really don’t. My friends from New York love it here …. I think this place is the heap dump of boredom. This place breeds boredom; it seeps from all the plants and permeates the air if you ask me.
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