fedi test
hello world!
hello world!
hello world!
Hi. I’m on Bluesky
The burning and smoke smell is horrendous
Today I was sick. Woke up with a dry and scratchy throat and sinuses. Took some Nyquil, then Nyquil took me 💤
Today I enjoyed my first ComicCon at the Javits Center in Manhattan. The cosplayers were amazing, but my favorite was seeing all the art because it was very nostalgic. I…
Got my cat ears and ticket. Will be there this weekend!
When you think of the word “successful,” who’s the first person that comes to mind and why? To be honest, no one came to my mind when thinking of the…
I was today years old when I learned what Dr. Seuss looked like. I read a lot of his books as a kid, but it never crossed my mind to…
Time to get some zzz’s