Patriotism is A Fetish

Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?

Over 400 years ago, European savages invaded the continent, then called Turtle Island, by its indigenous inhabitants, and nearly wiped them out with disease and war.  As the savages spread like a disease throughout Turtle Island in their invasion, they raped and scalped the heads of women, bashed in the heads of babies with rocks and murdered the men, using their skin and bones as trinkets and trophies. The indigenous who survived, had their families broken, sold and brainwashed into forgetting their heritage. The savages, realizing they needed a large amount of free labor to build their illegal settlements, the savages then sailed to Alkebulan, and began trafficking the indigenous population there all over the Turtle Island and dividing Alkebulan into “countries”, stealing their minerals and resources, destroying societies, economies, and damaging long-standing bloodlines and cultures and stealing thousands of year old antiquities.

These crimes of humanity the European savages committed, continued for hundreds of years. They tortured the Alkebulans as they erased their language and culture from them, and forced them to build institutions and grow their crops, all while raping, maiming, killing, making purses and accessories with the bones and skin of the Alkebulans who tried to escape and then even eating them, under the guise of their false God, and disguising it under the name of “Christianity”. Worshipping something else, and hiding it under the name of Christianity was the only way they felt they could absolve themselves of their heinous crimes of what they were doing to mankind, because they knew it was wrong, and did it anyway.

When the European savages’ contagion of hate metastasized, they eventually turned on each other over their economy and industrialization.  Those who lived in the north, fought the ones who lived in the south and the northern regime conquered the south. Their then leader, President Lincoln, proclaimed that there was no more need for the Alkebulans to be enslaved to manufacture their goods, as the age of industrialization was taking off, making manual work an antiquated method of producing goods.

Although the Alkebulans were free from enslavement, they were not considered citizens of the blood-bathed land the savages named “The United States. Many of them continued to do the same work as when they were slaves, so the slavery never actually ended. They became sharecroppers because they were poor, had no place else to go and tilling land was all they knew. Through sharecropping, the European savages continued to needlessly harass and steal the Alkebulan’s money, so they could never leave the land, even though they were “free”. Additionally, savage’s government created the Homestead Act to give the European savages free land, while denying all Alkebulans the ability to take part. As a result, they were forced to stay in debt to the European savages, all while the savages began to grow their businesses and land ownerships. Despite this unfair and disparaging situation, the Alkebulans still managed to persevere. However, the savages formed a federal institution for investigations which would later become a serious threat to the Alkebulans.

Ever so slowly over time, the Alkebulans started to gain enough money and skills to build their own towns and built successful enriched havens that they could thrive, away from the European savages such as Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Rosewood in Florida and many other Alkebulan towns. However, the European savages became envious and harassed the Alkebulans. The savages were so fueled with hate, that they burned their towns down and killed many of the residents. The savages repeated this same violence and destruction against the Alkebulans for no other reason than for jealousy.

For the next few decades as the Alkebulans continued to rise out of oppression and poverty, despite all the trickery the savages did to them, they enacted laws to keep them oppressed called the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Alkebulans were prevented from entering establishments and the savages created Sun Down Towns that alloted certain times that Alkebulans could be outside, to ensure they could keep committing violence to the innocent Alkebulans if they were seen outside past the “curfew”. For decades, the savages continued to torture and harass the Alkebulans and kept them out living together with them, but at the same time, also kept the Alkebulans from living on their own. The uncontrollable rage the savages had towards the Alkebulans made no logical sense, because they never did anything to the savages, and could only be described as mass craze and hysteria. And later, the investigation institution began to ramp up surveillance on the Alkebulans.

Over time, as the savages gained more riches and land, they stopped with most of the violence to the Alkebulans, but continued with keeping them from taking part in the amenities of land, healthcare, education, money and jobs that they got to enjoy to earn their own riches. They were kept under watch by the investigation institution, and they killed off any Alkebulans who attempted to rally for a better lifestyle. And then as if it wasn’t enough, the savages’ new leader, President Regan, injected drugs and weapons into the Alkebulan’s societies in order to instill chaos and violence which subjected them to extreme poverty. As many Alkebulans fell into mass poverty and addiction, crime followed not behind and many were rounded up by the savages’ law enforcement and thrown into jails to work as slaves.

Forward-wind until today, the Alkebulans are still plagued with the European savages still mistreating them all while they still kept trying to blend into the savage’s society out of a need for survival. Keeping them out of work, having their law enforcement raid their towns as an opposing force, injecting drugs and weapons into them, ensuing crime, violence and drug and alcohol addiction. Even though the Alkebulans continue to try and uplift each other, many still fall through the cracks all while the savages point their fingers at them and complain about them picking themselves up by the bootstraps and calling them lazy.

So, I as an Alkebulan, when asked about my patriotism, I have to ask next then, patriotic of what? How can anyone call themselves patriotic of a land that is drenched in my peoples’ blood? After reading all that the savages did to the Alkebulans, which is still only a fraction of the violence that actually happened, do you really think I should have a warm and fuzzy answer? Only a psychotic and narcissistic person would muster up the audacity to ask me that. The only people I have ever known were my own and I would be a fool to consider the savages as “my people” after all that they’ve tried to do to me and my people, for no reason at all, just because we exist.

My meaning of “patriotism” when it comes to the United States is, it’s a fetish. To be patriotic of the United States, means one has to ignore the millions of Alkebulans and First Nations peoples that the savages killed, tortured, and stole from, to make up some fairy tale in their head that none of that matters and that this “country” is great and stands on principals. To be a person of principals but make an exception for this country to be “patriotic” of it, is being a hypocrite. It’s like walking into a house that many men, women, children and babies who were minding their own damn business were massacred in, with blood stains on the walls from the slaughter. Then deepfaking and mindfucking yourself into believing it’s still a great house by wearing blinders, so you won’t see the innocent peoples’ blood smeared on the walls, and all the Alkebulan bodies the savages devoured, all so you could enjoy your blood-amenities of what you have today. Then dragging other people into participating in it, to cover your tracks, all while rinsing and repeating, the same actions in further distant lands when you live on an island isolated from everyone else and then when anybody asks, the savages are like “That was long ago, just forget about it” all while benefiting from the heinous crimes from “long ago”.

Patriotism is just a fetish Americans force themselves to believe in until they just eventually feel apathetic about living in an imperialistic society. To be patriotic, you have to hate mankind and love a plot of dirt. There is not one American who is actually patriotic, because they get it misconstrued with the imperialistic ideas of Manifest Destiny dogma. I am a person who stands on principals, so I cannot morally accept that. I will not join the mentality of the savages out of pressure, indoctrination or brainwashing.

So, when asked if I’m patriotic, yes I am patriotic to my fellow Alkebulans and nothing more and no one else.

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