It’s a serious question. Anyone know of how I can make $4000 in one month without becoming a pole dancer, prostitute or stripper? Although there is nothing wrong with pole dancing, I used to be a dancer when I was a teenager, up into my early 20s, so I believe all forms of dance is…
Category: Money
Netspend is Crap
So today is payday. I have two Netspend accounts, one for bills and one for personal spending so the monies don’t get messed up. I have had my accounts for two years and for two years I have my direct deposit deposit into one and then transfer what free spending money I have left to…
Senate approves Internet sales tax proposal
Ugh I am so fed up with the government taking my money. I earned it, not them. There was already a 6% tax hike at the beginning of the year and now I’m going to get taxed from buying online which is where I buy most my stuff anyway? I just won’t shop at…
AMEX Bluebird Now Offers Personal Checks
Just as the title says, American Express Bluebird now offers checks. They are available completely for free for a limited time until May 21st, 2013; the free checks are only valid for the first order. Funny I never saw them advertise this nor sent to my email which is understandable since they probably don’t want 100% of…
OMFG Why is it such a hassle to get your damn free credit report?
I used to be able to just get my free annual reports from the credit bureaus, you know for free with no hassle, because it’s the law. But now I went to get it this year and it’s asking me security questions that have nothing to do with me. They aren’t even banks’ names I…
Telemarketers Beware of Me: Lookin at YOU Cardmember Services!!
For the last year or so, I’ve been getting telemarketing phone calls from some company called Cardmember Services claiming that they can lower the interest rate on my credit cards. They have called everyday for the last year or so from different numbers. Today they showed up as “800 Service: 1-866-000-0000” which is obviously a…
If Americans Want to Live the American Dream, Move to Denmark #AmericanDream #USA
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Rich People Do Not Create Jobs
[embedplusvideo height=”492″ width=”620″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=iIhOXCgSunc&width=620&height=492&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep6052″ /]
Wealth Inequality in America
[embedplusvideo height=”376″ width=”620″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=QPKKQnijnsM&width=620&height=376&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1140″ /]
Bye Bye #AMEX #BlueBird, It’s for the Birds Review Redux
For the last few months I have been fairly enjoying my AMEX Bluebird card despite there were some places I couldn’t use it because they don’t take AMEX cards, but it was still doable. I even gave it a good review. Until … today I went to make a cash withdrawal from Walmart and they…