If there were a biography about me …

If there were a biography about you, what would the title be?

Its title would be “No Fucks Given”. I have whole-heartedly accepted that the majority of people are full of shit, so I’m just going to do what I want and create my own reality. Hell, I might just do the opposite of what everyone says “just because”.

If the last few years as an American hasn’t taught me anything, it has for certain taught me that the Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and well, most people, especially on our jobs, are full of bullshit, and that people will say anything to get over on you. Everyone is on the hamsterwheel, even the people who think they aren’t. And a lot of people are turncoats, willing to say a thing one moment and do a whole 360 the next.

I no longer have the energy to figure people out, nor to help anyone because the amount of willingly stupid people I’ve run into is beyond the pale. Everyone is a “know it all” and wants to do their thing without being told they’re doing a detrimental thing, so to that I say I don’t give a fuck anymore. Have at it.

But this isn’t a sudden thing, it’s an irritation with people that has evolved over time by just watching people do stupid shit ever since I was a kid; watching people become hypocrites, watching people recycle internet trash as if it were the holy grail and just generally people who haven’t figured out that actions are attached to consequences.

So have at it. Vote for an anarchist and then complain about how he’s destroying the country. Have unprotected sex and then complain about how poor you are when you can’t pay for your kids. Date a ratchet person and then complain about them doing trifling shit or them landing you in jail. Keep advocating for politicians who don’t represent your income level and then complain about how you can’t make ends meet. Continue brown-nosing celebrities, millionaires, and elitists, then complain about  how inflation is outpacing your income because you haven’t gotten a significant raise in 15 years. Just keep it up!

I just have no more patience for people shooting off their feet, so I’m going to sit back like a Mom watching her kids at a carnival, playing all the games and winning all the stupid prizes. I just have no more fucks left to give to anyone who creates or continues to contribute to their own problems.

Eat that cake πŸŽ‚ Take that, take that.

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