Being originally from the South, I am not a huge fan of snow. It’s cool about the first day, and then it’s just in the way. It’s snowing again, but the first two prequels of snow hadn’t even melted yet.
The city is just being annoying today. I’m on the top floor of a highrise, yet the construction down below was setting me off. The jackhammering. And now they’ve put a plate down to cover the catastrophe they made of the road, and cars and trucks are just flooring it over it, making loud booming sounds that just don’t quit. It goes on all night because it’s a main street and I’m lucky to live right beside it. No matter how far up I live, the sounds below still reach me and sound amplified. Additionally, the snow plows are also back making ominous scraping sounds. It’s unreal. I just can’t. I was trying to study calculus early and the clusterfuck of sounds was just too much. I couldn’t focus.
On top of that, to add to the annoyances, I went to the grocery store today and they didn’t have any of the small packs of ground turkey. And as I reached for the larger pack, I noticed it was $17.99 and withdrew my hand like it was a hotplate. Oh nah. I settled for a smaller pack of a brand I never get. Purdue. The package claims it has no hormones, additives and stuff, but I’m side-eyeing it. Didn’t Purdue recently get sued for something?