FastFood Fail: No1 Chinese Restaurant Jefferson Ave


I think this may be the worst fast food fail in my log. Yes what u think u see is what it is and it is NOT a piece of seasoning. I ordered a peppersteak … and it came with some kind of bug leg. Never eating there again. I didn’t want to find the rest of what kind of bug it was, so I took the shit back and asked for a refund; most likely it’s probably every household’s favorite bug, the cockroach.  Nonetheless it should NOT be in my food.

If u ever plan on eating there, you’ve been warned.

0 thoughts on “FastFood Fail: No1 Chinese Restaurant Jefferson Ave

  1. So i took it back and of course the chinese lady was pissed. She looked at it but kept claiming it was SEASONING FROM A MUSHROOM! No way in the world could she convince me. That mushroom seasoning had appendages and furthermore when she moved it, it snapped back into place; if it were seasoning it should have stayed in the form in which she pushed it at. I am very proficient in insects and that was clearly a bug leg. And furthermore, peppersteak does not have mushrooms in it and second that was the ONLY piece of "seasoning" that looked like that.

    Sorry bro. Cant play me.

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