Cox … what’s so fuckin hard!?

Just wanted to say that and get it off my chest. I did a transfer of service to my new address. First they said the service would be on Tuesday, didn’t happen. So I called … they said an error occured in the system and they were waiting for it to be corrected. She told me if it wasn’t on Tuesday evening that it would be on definately on Wednesday. Wednesday has come and gone. I called and the guy tells me it should be on by midnight Thursday if not then definately by Thursday morning. What a heap of bullshit I thought so I thought id just wait it out cuz just MAYBE the guy is right. So I waited til midnight, and like I knew STILL no service. This next clown tells me he doesn’t know why its not on yet and I’d have to wait for a Tech. Why the fuck do I have to wait for a tech now all of a sudden?!  It’s a different story everytime I call.  The service was just on from the previous resident the only thing a tech should have to come out for is to say hi.

I don’t know wtf the big problem is; why the fuck its so hard to turn on something so simple as internet but I’m pretty fuckin pissed off cuz all my shit Netflix/Hulu for TV and Vonage VoIP phone all run thru the internet so i aint got shit around here to do. On top of that i work from home so no work, no money. I have Verizon FIOS in this neighborhood I live in now and they’re the only other ISP out here; looking mighty tempting right now if it weren’t for FIOS being the biggest marketing con known to man and their inflated rip off prices. I just thought the transfer would be easy since I already had Cox. Guess I got punkked … I’m waiting for Ashton Kutcher to show up on my porch.

I dont blame the reps I spoke with for it not being on, I blame that shitty ass system they have to deal with that seems to have a mind on its own and then some reps dont know how to fix or interpret it. But I do blame them for trying to sit around guessing when it MIGHT be on and then relaying that info to me like its true.  Why are you guessing? Just give fuckin facts. So guess I’m just going to call Cox tomorrow and find out what the new excuse is as to why my service still isn’t on.

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