Re-Inventing Myself

Everyone gets caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle cycle; you get up, go to work, come back, have some entertainment time, go to bed, then wake up the next day … rinse and repeat. You know what else does the same thing every day, in and out? A bot. That’s all those little effers do all day is gogogo. But today I had to contemplate some things and make some adjustments.

My birthday is Thursday, August 26th and I’ll be 33 … perfect time to get back on track on what I *really* want to do and screw everyone who dares to stand in my way.  I guess its not really “re-inventing” myself but get back to what I was doing before becoming “The Bot”. My ex comes and tells me you’re so beautiful why do you not dress up anymore, you used to wear sun-dresses alot and now I haven’t seen you in one in forever.  Ya know … usually, I would argue with him over that remark but this time I didn’t because he’s right; I couldn’t even make a come back on that.  I haven’t worn anything like that in forever. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I wore a dress. I hate dresses btw but I used to wear the hell out some sun-dresses.  The truth is for 2 reasons:

1) I got so wrapped up into everyday stuff, I forgot about all that really  0.o
2) I got tired of guys on the street begging for my number and then when I ignored them I got called a bitch.  If I had a dime for every guy I ignored who tried to talk to me that called me a bitch … I could buy Usher and have him for my personal slave for a year.

Question: Why am I a bitch for ignoring you? And then I’m a ho if I talk to you?

But anyway, I threw out all my old clothes and taking myself shopping on my birthday

Btw … the queen of re-inventing herself turned 52 on August 16th … Happy B-Day Madonna (um yea I’m a Madonna fan).  Michael Jackson’s birthday is upcoming on August 29th and both were born in the same year 1958.   I’ve been fans of both since like elementary school; more of a Madonna than Michael fan though; I was more into the female singers like Madonna, Cindy Lauper, Pat Benatar, Stevie Nicks and those of their ilk.

Posted in RL

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