Took the car to the dealership for a wash and detailing

I took the car to the dealership for a wash and detailing … I have to say the work they did kind of sucked because the guy said he couldnt get the bug shit off the front ~_~ how about a lil elbow grease man. And to top that off, I noticed a few scratches that I could have sworn were not there before too. Rule of thumb … never let anyone wash your car, even if its the dealership … especially if its black.

But on a brighter note, the salesman said they went down on the price of the car because the bank would not pay for the amount they were asking for it. So it went from $17k to $16k. Talk about awesome. Kelly Blue Book value of the car is $16,725 and that’s exactly what my sales receipt says. Prior they were charging $17,175. Good job Capital One.

In addition, I got the windows tinted today. Looks great. I love it. I got 35% on the front windows (the darkest you can legally get in Virginia) and 20% on the back windows; can’t see through the back windows at all. I love it. Theo says this car fits me perfectly and I agree; it looks like something I would drive.

In the upcoming weeks or months, I’ll be adding a low profile spoiler.

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