Kicked Ass on my Midterm

I had my English midterm today (part I) at least, and I think I did a pretty good job. We had to list the elements of the story; I didn’t think it was too bad though. I hope I did good; at least I felt like I did. Part deux is on Thursday and on that one we are suppose to do elements of a poem. If its anything as easy as the elements of stories then bring it on!

I made $300 fixing computers this weekend so I took part of the money and decided to enhance my @home business by buying me something I’ve always wanted … an all-in-one photo printer; I got me a Canon MP450. You know I had to buy Canon. So far it rocks. It has a built-in IrDa port to transfer images via wireless phones, PDA, and other IrDa devices, slots for both memory sticks, microdrives, SD and CF cards for photo prints, scanner, copier, and a USB port to attach a camcorder or digital camera device. With this, I don’t need anything else. After getting this, I don’t know how I managed to survive with an HP 812C and HP 3300C scanner for the last 6 years. What’s so paradoxal about it is that I paid less for this all-in-one than I did for just the HP printer alone. The MP450 was only $150 but I paid $180 for this HP 812C six years ago; talk about a slap in the face. The only drawback of this MP450 is that it’s big as fuck now I have to find someplace else to put my tower since the damn MP450 takes up the whole damn table. At least it goes with my black & silver computer theme. I don’t like putting my tower on the floor like some people do because all it does is suck in dirt. Then when I open it, its like a zoo full of dust bunnies.

I’ve been wanting to do a considerable amount of upgrading on my computer anyway within the next month. I plan on upgrading from this pitiful PCI 2Mb video card and get me the Nvidia GeForce 8x 256Mb card, and I am also considering on either getting a DVD burner or just getting another hard drive. I already have about 100Gb of space already so I may just go with the DVD burner but I most definately need a new video card. I had a 32Mb card laying around when I bought this thing, but I did’t even pay attention that a 4x AGP card would not fit in an 8x AGP so that is how I ended up with this 2Mb S3 card. It’s a card that I had laying around from an old computer I had a while back and I figure I had better use this or have no video. The largest resolution it can do is 1024×768. I am sure people back in the 90s would think that rocked but now it would be laughed at. Don’t get me wrong, it still looks okay but I have been suffering for the last year or so since I built my 1.67Ghz system without playing any of my PC video games since this 2Mb video card cannot handle it. I can install the games but they don’t run. I also need to get a new case other than this piece of shit I bought off Ebay; its so damn flimsy like its made from soft aluminum or something. It flezes so easily. I am trying to keep with the black and silver theme I’ve got going on with my computer and my case is black but I need a more sturdy case; this one just sucks and I paid $40 for it off Ebay. The drive cage is riveted into the frame so there is not much mobility when I get in there.

I usually shop Ebay because the cases are cheaper but maybe I just need to go with a local store so I can actually see the type of metal or plastik these things are made of; I’m not satisfied with this one at all. The paint has also begun to chip. I’m definately going to go with a black plastik case next time.

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