Busy Little Bee

Today I was a very busy little bee; it seems that no matter how many hours there are in a day, there is never enough of them for me. The day started with calling a tow truck to get the Ford taken to the dump and then calling the bank to yet STILL the financing on the car straight; it still has not been completely resolved. Then I drove around for hours like a zombie getting my school schedule for the fall setup, running some errands for my Mom, stopping by the lawyer’s to sign divorce papers, and then going to the dealership to find out where the hell my plates were and where do I send my first payment. This is when the day started to spiral downhill.

First I sat in the lobby for about 1.5 hours waiting around for my salesman to show up … he never did. He was too busy assisting another customer. So then I spoke to Greenback; that’s the nickname I gave to the financing guy I don’t like. He said they can’t give me my plates until the bank gets its stuff straight. Yeah whatever. I also asked where do I mail my first payment because I have received nothing. No payment book. No welcome letter. No nothing stating how they were going to rape me for the car for the next four years of my life, nada. Greenback says that the bank still has not paid them for the car yet. They told me to come back on Friday; I’m glad these folks think that I have loot like that to keep wasting it on coming to see their asses. Meanwhile my 30 day tags expire on Friday too.

It’s the end of the day and I finally get home where there’s a message on my answering machine from the bank asking me to call them back; I thought anything they can’t say on tape can’t be good. So I called them back and I was right. They were finally able to verify my job BUT then they tell me, they have not received my payment. My $3000, my downpayment for the car, has vanished into thin air. And along with that thin air, so went my patience. I told the lady that my contract says my payments aren’t due to start until July 29th, $2500 of my down payments has already been cashed by the dealership and the other $500 of it was suppose to be cashed on July 21st but it has not been cashed. She said she would call the dealsership to find out what’s going on, and that was all she wrote. It’s now one hour to midnight, I am sure the bank has closed and she has not called me back.

So yeah, my nightmare with financing this car continues but everything will be said and done on Friday. Either way I win though, if the financing goes up in smoke, I’ll just go to another dealer, if it does not go up in smoke, I still have a kickass car.

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