Le Car

My Mom said the neighbors came by today and said it was the police who took the plates off the car and they were at the precinct. Great. Excellent. I found it kind of strange though how when I reported all this, the precinct knew nothing about it. But then again it should not surprise, NNPD is full of shit anyway. They don’t do anything. I’ve never seen them fight crime … only pick up the evidence after all the drama has already ended … then they have the audacity to ask “Did you see anything”. No wonder no one ever calls the police. If you don’t catch the criminal yourself, you can forget it. And hell no I’m not going to get the plates. Fuck the plates. I’m going to DMV tomorrow and transfer the plates to the CRX. I’m ditching the truck tomorrow to the highest bidder. I’m sure the truck works but I don’t feel like dealing with it. Even though its an old truck, keepin insurance on it is a bitch.

I’m only keeping the car because I want to use it as a shop car to work on. Yeah, I like cars I want to work on them; just as a hobby of course. I find cars interesting and getting some dirty mechanic to work on your car gets expensive. And plus if I do it, I know it will get done right with tender, loving care 🙂 The CRX is my baby. A friend of mine came over the other day and when he saw my new car, he said “I like your new car but I still like the CRX better”. To be honest, I do too. I can’t manuver in the Civic like I can in the CRX; it’s the extra weight in the back. I can feel it but I create wormholes on the highway with the CRX. One second you see me, the next you don’t.

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