Today had to been one of the most fucked up days in my life; this is one of the reasons why I hate being employed under someone.
The day started as any other, I got to work on time as usual. Once again I had to sit at someone else’s desk because the IT department still has not gotten me a computer. I have not been employed for over a month and no one has gotten me a computer for *my* desk yet. I have spent the last month or so sitting at other peoples’ desks. But anywho, I was about to log on when I forgot my headset. So I went over to grab it when someone else’s manager approaches me and asks what was my shift, I told him 9-5 then he says you’re out of dress code. He says because I am wearing “cargo pants”. Now, I don’t keep track of all the fashion trends out there and I am not about to subscribe to Envogue or Abrecrombie and Fitch just to keep up with the lastest terms. He says because I have pockets on the side of my pants. I was about to argue with him and I thought why bother. Then he says also I am wearing a T-shirt. I don’t know what classifies wearing a T-shirt. As far as I am concerned, I was wearing just a black lonk-sleeved shirt. I had no idea it was considered a T-shirt.
Meanwhile, people wear flip-flops to work, when they aren’t suppose to. People have tatoos on their asses so they wear hip-huggers so everyone will know it. In addition there are people who wear sneakers every damn day to work and we aren’t suppose to wear those either and those people who come in to work looking like they haven’t taken a shower in a minute and looked like they just downed several jars of liquor. But don’t come to work looking decent. I am not familiar with all the fashion terms but regardless, what the FUCK do my clothes have to do with the way I do my job answering phones (which no one even fuckin sees me, not even my supervisor half the time unless I walk up to him) to help people with their goddamn camcorders? Someone … please answer me that. It was a first “offense” if you will. Why can’t they have just said don’t wear it again? They treat everyone there like fuckin high schoolers. Don’t wear this, don’t wear that, like we ain’t goddamn grown and would come to work in Daisy Dukes and football jersies and a bunch of bling-bling around our necks. I didn’t spend the last 27 years of my life growin up to be treated like a little 15 year old for the rest of it.
I tried going to Ross’s to buy a pair of pants and shirt which was fine at first, but when I put on the pants, the zipper was broken. I should have known it was on clearance for $7.50. FUCK! So I thought about going back inside to get another pair but by that time I was so hot and sweaty, I said fuck it. I got to go home and take a shower. Sweat was all through my clothes and I was not going to go in there to smell like a bowl of hot sweat. I don’t do the gym locker-smell thing like some employees do. So I had to drive 30 goddamn muthafuckin miles all the way back home to change my clothes and take a shower.
Yeah, I am really pissed by then. So I did not go in until four hours later. I didn’t have shit to lose. But wait, it doesn’t end there …
… I go into work 4 hours later, and only had 3 hours left to go into my shift so as soon as I got there, it was time for lunch. I took my measely slave 30 min lunch and my 15 min break.Then just when I thought I was clear and about to leave, I get a call eval on my desk; one of my calls had been monitored. I got the lowest grade because I missed two out of about 15-20 questions. Only two, people, and I get the lowest grade “Needs Improvement” …
Jesus Christ it’s time to go home.