I Got Em

I am very excited I got my tarot cards in the mail today. I ordered a deck of Rider Tarot cards from Ebay, you know the same ones Sofie uses in one of my favorite TV shows, Carnivàle on HBO; you know I like all that witchy-scifi stuff. It came with an instruction booklet and everything so I can’t wait to get started. This should be very interesting.

Also I had to take a piss test today to get into this job at Canon. I didn’t write about that but I was selected at Canon for a position of technical support representative. I took the test of 30 questions last Monday and 100% on it 🙂 Isn’t that groovy! Then I had an interview with HR on Tuesday. I was suppose to have a second Interview on Tuesday but I got lost getting there so I got there late. They rescheduled it for yesterday so today I took the piss test and I have to go back again on Monday to hand in a form from Labcorp.

So that is where I stand. Unless they find trees floating around in my piss then I think I’ve got the job. So keep your fingers crossed … I know I do.

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