Movie Tyme: The Grudge

Last night I was so depressed over being alone, I went out to the movies and saw “The Grudge”. The movie was excellent as far as horror and graphics but sucked as far as the storyline. The Buffy-bitch was in it for starters, for some reason, I don’t like her because of her nose. I just can’t stop staring at it so it takes away from whatever show she is starring in. But anyway, I won’t give away the movie but it rocked.

Another thing I sort of did not like about the movie was that it was similar to The Ring pretty much because, they both have some long-haired girl with spooky eyes, they both involve a curse, the girl in The Ring and in The Grudge both died by drowning by the hands of a relative … and above all, they both just look-a-fuckin-like. They are both old Japanese campfire movies. They both remind me of those really scary 80s movies. And they both begin with “The” followed by a noun “grudge” and “ring”.

But overall the movie rocked. A nice jump out of your seat movie. Ppl in the theatre screamed and I felt the person behind me jump. I found some parts just funny when no one else did. Oh well, I am sick and demented anyway so what did you expect?

Another good movie I’m “dying” to see is White Noise which comes out January 7th.

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