Jenny Craig

Today I stood on the scale and found I weigh 150lbs; what a grave disappointment. Not too long ago I weighed 120 … then 127 … then 135 … 145 … I never even saw 140. It crept up on me so quickly. I know, I know, you’re thinking I don’t “look” that big but it’s my height that evens me out; I’m somewhere between 5’6″ and 5’7″. And everyone used to get pop-eyes about how skinny I was. I am more than 5’6″ but not quite 5’7″ either. So, I’ve decided to go on a diet. I’ve said it but I never did it. I think the best thing would be just to go vegan and get on Jenny Craig or Slim Fast and of course exercise; I have not exercised in ages which is part of my problem. I don’t have any sneakers though.

Anyways, I ordered PETA’s Vegetarian Starter Kit so hopefully this will help me out. The longest I ever went veggie was two months back in high school for Lent. Lent is a month, but after going a month wihtout eating meat, I found it difficult to go back to eating meat so it took me another month just to be able to eat it again. I have a very sensative system and I tell you, going vegan is not easy but it may be a little easier now with veggie burgers and stuff. My system is very sensative to animal-products, especially milk since I am lactose intolerant. Oh well. Wish me good luck!

Posted in RL

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