4th of July

My 4th was a blast and by the time it was over, I was wasted. It began from the time I woke up at 10am until the time I went to bed 11pm. Our festivities jumped off by raiding the stores for pounds and pounds of food, meat, steaks, burgers, chips, yada yada yada. I had placed a reservation for a shelter at the local park (my favorite park) Newport News Park two months ago because I had figured it would be packed. So we had shelter #5. We arrived at the park at noon and prepared all the food and picked up all hte people. Everyone was there by 4pm and everything jumped off. We had watergun fights, sparklers, music. Everyone enjoyed themselves, pretty much.

All my friends I invited came except for one, Keysha, but she had already told me she was going to her in-laws. My dad, of course, did not show up either but hey-hey-hey, what can I say-say-say. Oh, I got picks of my two bestest friends like I promised of Skeeter and Peugeot if you wanna see them. The photos are in the 4th of July under the “Galleria”.

The park is only open from sunrise to sunset so we lit the sparklers and left at 8:30pm. After that, I was beat and I had to take some people home. I got home around 9:30 and then at 10:00, there were fireworks downtown City Hall in Newport News. We are close enough from our house to see them so we watched them from outside; I took pictures from my bedroom window and they ended at 10:30pm. I was sooooo tired by then, I hit the sack at 11pm. To be honest, this was the best 4th of July I ever had. Independence is grand.

Posted in RL

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