Again, one big disaster. Lag lag lag and more lag. Hundreds of tards just sitting on the NPCs, popping Bloodlust, all on their mounts and no one can turn in or accept quests. gg. Personally I think it’s a plot by guilds and people desperate for server and world firsts to do this so they…
Category: World of Warcraft
The Very First Warcraft Cinematic
Obviously I never played Orcs & Humans so I downloaded it to see what it looked like. It was made for MS DOS so I had to download an emulator to get it to run, but when it finally unleashed upon my screen, I couldn’t stop laughing. Oh Blizzard, you have come such a long long way….
Just spent the last 1 hour of my life …
… reading the entire history of Warcraft. A VERY good read. Obviously it wasn’t the entire thing, the relationships between characters is just too vast and complex to cover it in an hour, but it covered the warring part of it very well, hence the name “Warcraft”. The only races that it did not include…
Where is the Pandaren?
Can you find the Panderan in the picture? Click the image to enlarge
New Mists of Pandaria Login Screen
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Cinematic Trailer
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=0wyybJf7yvo&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep5612″ /]
Funny how Blizzard offers the Tyrael mount in WoW …
When Tyrael’s not even an angel anymore so he can’t even ride it
Decided to keep my WoW Sub
I’ve thought about it for months, should I just let my account expire or die or should I keep WoW around a little while longer. But today I decided to just keep renewing it. Why when the game is so watered down for kids? Meh, because I don’t think there’s a game in existance or…
Blizzard Announces Official Launch Date of Mists of Pandaria 9/25
Not exactly sure if I’ll be playing hardcore or not like the previous 4 releases but hopefully I will get a beta key and find out. But I have a bad feeling that this release is gonna be for the kiddos. Now to farm Diablo III and play the RMAH to get the $40 for…