So after 2 wipes with a fail healer who kept ninja pulling after the tank told him to stop it, then talkin shit to the tank, and then seemed to always have an excuse why the tank would die, I nerdraged … I got tired of the bullshit and spoke up intentionally to fuck with him to force him to kick me from the group. My 2nd fail instance and my malganitude kicked in; I was on my undergeared shammy, Sati doing a leet 2k dps while everyone else was 1k dps =P
A role check has been initiated. Your group will be queued when all members have selected a role.
Pollywog has chosen: Healer, Damage
Pickaxe has chosen: Damage
Resver has chosen: Damage
10:59 [P] [Sati]: this is the 2nd 5man in the last hour ive been in
Sati has chosen: Damage
You are now queued in the Dungeon Finder.
10:59 [P] [Sati]: and wiped
Müerté joins the party.
10:59 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: We al care about your plight.
11:00 [P] [Sati]: this battlegroup sucks balls
11:00 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: Battlegroup is for PVP.
11:00 [P] [Pickaxe-Steamwheedle Cartel]: then leave it
11:00 [P] [Sati]: battlegroup is not just pvp
11:00 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: I just wanted a tank that
11:02 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: Wasn’t slow as hell
11:02 [P] [Sati]: i honestly didnt care. beats wiping
11:02 [P] [Pickaxe-Steamwheedle Cartel]: tanks are hard to come by so why do ppl bitch at them so much ??
11:02 [P] [Sati]: considering we had alraeyd been thru 2 wipes
11:02 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: If you dont like it
11:03 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: We will miss your 2k DPS
11:03 [P] [Sati]: im glad u noticed
11:03 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: btw sorry i suck right now. my axes are at 238
11:03 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: lol
11:03 [P] [Sati]: dont explain anything to him
11:04 Prince Keleseth yells: Your blood is mine!
11:04 Prince Keleseth yells: Aranal, ledel! Their fate shall be yours!
11:05 Prince Keleseth casts Frost Tomb on Pickaxe.
11:05 Prince Keleseth yells: Not so fast.
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:05 Prince Keleseth casts Frost Tomb on Pollywog.
11:05 Prince Keleseth yells: Not so fast.
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:05 Prince Keleseth casts Frost Tomb on Sati.
11:05 Prince Keleseth yells: Not so fast.
Pollywog has died.
11:05 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
Müerté has died.
11:05 Prince Keleseth yells: Darkness waits.
11:05 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: cool
11:05 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: good job dps.
11:05 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: ><
11:06 Prince Keleseth casts Frost Tomb on Pickaxe.
11:06 Prince Keleseth yells: Not so fast.
11:06 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:06 Vrykul Skeleton rises from the floor!
11:06 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: before you complain about wipes. Break frost tombs
Resver has died.
11:06 Prince Keleseth casts Frost Tomb on Pickaxe.
11:06 Prince Keleseth yells: Not so fast.
[Darloc] is now online!
11:06 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: thats what im saying
11:06 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: dps is supposed to do that.
11:06 [P] [Sati]: well the other 2 wipes were caused from u not healing the tank so …
Welcome to Utgarde Keep (5 Player (Heroic)). Instance locks are scheduled to expire in 53 Minutes 8 Seconds.
11:07 [P] [Müerté-Dalvengyr]: hes doin fine
11:07 [P] [Sati]: no. this was before u got here
11:07 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: One wipe I wasn’t even in the instance yet. Second wipe DPS did not break the frost tomb
11:07 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: There were only 2 wiped including the one that just happend
11:07 [P] [Sati]: 2nd wipe u complained to the tan kand he left the group
11:07 [P] [Sati]: first wipe u didnt heal him
11:08 [P] [Sati]: o well
11:08 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: I wasn;t in the instance
11:08 [Dungeon Guide] [Pollywog-Scilla]: Just leave please, your ignorance astounds me.
11:08 [P] [Sati]: nope
11:08 [P] [Sati]: gonna stay here just for u
Dungeon Difficulty set to 5 Player.
You have been removed from the group.
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OMFG LOL ROFLMAO I want to play right now!
– Jodanu
LOL Oh yea I had fun with that healer priest. there was more said before all of this but my chat history wouldnt go back that far. it was hilarious.
LOL Oh yea I had fun with that healer priest. there was more said before all of this but my chat history wouldnt go back that far. it was hilarious.