I keep two Twitter accounts, one for family and friends and the other to communicate with people I don’t know on the Internet. I don’ want just random bros from the web all up in my personal business, even though I don’t put my personal business on the web anyway, but just in case, I…
Category: Tech
How To Show #Chrome #GoogleChrome Notifications on Another Monitor if You Have A Multi-monitor PC
I have dual monitors and it is extremely annoying when I am playing games on my larger monitor that I use for my main display, the Chrome notifications kept popping up over my game, sometimes just as I was about to click the location where it pops; almost died to it once. I also tried…
There is nothing more annoying than having a hot pixel on your #flatscreen
Because when you’re left staring or reading a book on your screen, your eyes keep subconsciously wandering to it making you more furious about it.
Google Chrome is starting to suck, it keeps crashing #google #chrome #googlechrome
I’ve been running Google Chrome since beta. I remember when I was using Chrome and when I told my friends about it they’re like Google what? It USED to be a fast browser bringing up pages faster than lightning itself, but now it has started to progressively get bad. It sometimes takes a long time…
twitter image test
Finally Found My Glasses!
After 3 long hard months of wearing no glasses, I finally found them … in my raincoat pocket /facepalm. It had’t rained in forever so there was no point in wearing it, it rained today and I found them in my pocket 🙂 There is a happy nerd on planet Earth today.
Messenger goes byebye
Just got this in my email about Microsoft Messenger and Skype: Hello,We are retiring the existing Messenger service globally (except for mainland China where Messenger will continue to be available) and bringing the great features of Messenger and Skype together. Update to Skype and sign in using a Microsoft Account (same as your Messenger ID)…
Studying for my Network+
Gonna get my tech on; studying for my Network+ these next few weeks. Wish me luck.
Laptop bag can cause cancer?
So I ordered a laptop bag from JC Penney and I was so happy when it arrived today … until I read the label “California proposition 65 Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, and birth defects or other reproductive harm” Needless to say I will be sending…
Why Do People Buy Apple Products?
[embedplusvideo height=”376″ width=”620″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/2Aum6wyIoyY?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=2Aum6wyIoyY&width=620&height=376&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2308″ /] As I sit here at work (yes on New Year’s Eve), I’m just browsing the Internet at all the stolen iPads going on that I’ve been hearing about, especially this one. Here in my local area there were 3 house robberies where people stole iPads people had…