Thank These Nuts

Thank These Nuts

This is how you play with peoples' heads. #Trump and his shills brought down #TikTok…

I used #Tiktok to access my therapist's content to calm myself when I have panic attacks. Now it's no more. Welcome to #facism.

My Philosophy

I was 10 years old when KRS-1 came out with My Philosophy with Boogie Down…
Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Black people need to get away from the notion that work and worries require internalizing or exhibiting stress or depression. You can prioritize them without emotionally punishing yourself. Let's also stop labeling those who've figured this out as lazy or that they don't care.

Me: "Alexa, what's the temperature?"Alexa: "Right now, it's 29° Fahrenheit. Today, expect a high of…