Tag: wordpress

  • Reminder

    The next time someone says that the US isn’t a racist country, slavery was “long time ago” and “we aren’t like that anymore”, remind them that there are still Americans alive today who were alive when Harriet Tubman was, and we got Trump as a result of white anger that a Black President, Obama, was elected.

  • Eve

    Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc.

    My first name is Eve. I don’t know its roots but supposedly Eve was Adam’s wife in the Garden of Eden. Rumor has it, she gave Adam intelligence and the whole world went to shit.

  • Boring Sunday

    Today was uneventful. I got tired around 3pm and next thing I know it’s nighttime and the day is over.

    I hate winter.

  • Me to World:

    Me to World:

    Please ignore our President for the next 4 years. We’re having a small covfefe at the moment.


    #UnitedStates #Politics #Trump #Greenland