So yesterday’s big storm flooded slot of the area. Unfortunately my street flooded too and also my car. When my Mom found the pool in my car it was only about 2inches deep but I could tell from the water line inside my car it at least got up to a half a foot /sigh
I Haz a boat
Ok … when you click the “LIKE” button on pictures of porn ANYWHERE on the Internet … ALL YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS CAN SEE IT and know YOU did it because your name is beside it When you “COMMENT” on a porn article ANYWHERE on the Internet and you don’t uncheck the “POST TO FACEBOOK” button ……
Think my TV finally died
Turned it on and all channels are in black and white. It’s not the color settings, it’s either the cable box or the TV and I’m leaning towards the TV. For the last few years it did strange things anyway. Like, the volume button turned it off and on. Then it would troll me, go…
Trolling my boss 10pm at night…
Seeing if he’ll fire me
Moar Pussy Riot: Группа Pussy Riot жжет путинский гламур
[youtube_sc url=””]
Moving Step 1 Complete
Got my storage place and just need to move my stuff in. Super nice staff and even waived the admin fee for me. Thx Uncle Bob’s Storage. You rock!
Pussy Riot – Punk Prayer
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=ALS92big4TY&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2404″ /] It’s all over the news even here in the U.S. but in case you live under a rock, the feminist Russian punk band Pussy Riot ninja performed in some major orthodox church in Russia rage singing protesting Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister, I guess that’s what they have over there,…
I hate my neighbor’s parking skills
Again with my neighbor’s parking skills. All that space, why are u parking like that? Now the silver car in the middle has to bump my Mom’s Scion just to get out.