Category: SO.me
don’t you hate it when u see something on ebay u want but the shipping is astronomical?
$15 shipping on a knit hat. really? Black & White Kitty Hat
Why are people blaming Obama for Hostess closing? He had absolutely nothing to do with it
Stop making stuff up. Hostess is going under due to corporate and union greed. Nothing more, nothing less. Please people, just read the history of Hostess that you can find through that thing, oh I think it’s called Google? I spent about an hour or so last night researching Hostess’s internal problems that caused the…
Being an American Express customer is weird
I’m just not used to my card company telling me to be safe and good night at the end of every business day on Twitter.
A conservative co-worker of mine says she is against Obamacare …
And that people voted for Obama just because they want “stuff”. Then she goes on to tell me that she is married and has two kids … but hasn’t had health insurance in years because she can’t afford it. Believe me, I am trying so hard to understand right-wing’s supporters’ methods of thinking, but most…
So you wanna secede from the United States?
I say let ’em; no sweat off my brow whatsoever. In case you live under a rock, most if not all the states, have petitions on the White House web site to “peacefully” secede from the United States. I live in Virginia in which there was a petition to secede from the U.S. … hello…
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Thank you to all the American veterans for all you’ve done and continue to do!
Starting to hate Facebook again
Why can’t I hide my complete profile & activity on Facebook?!
Middle School Teacher Breeds Hate
On Monday, in Mississippi, there may be a teacher who’s going to have the worst case of The Monday’s ever recorded in human history. On The Grio yesterday there was a comment made by a reader that was blatantly obvious was racist and full of hate. Which is fine because The Grio is full of content like that…
I Love My President
I love that my President is human & genuine and I trust that he’ll get this country back on its feet. I feel that he believes alot in this country and in us, and I am proud that I voted for him. It his his motivation that he also believes in us which makes us…