Some white people actually pride themselves for being a brick in the wall to Black people. 🦉 #racism #blm #whitesupremacy #whitenationalism
Archives: Social Notes
I curse the person who made up the saying that it’s rude to eat in front of people when they don’t have food. How is it my problem that the person mismanaged their money to that extent, and now I have to be hangry because I can’t eat where I’m comfortable? 🦉 #unpopularopinion
It’s a misnomer that New Yorkers mind their own business. Ever since I’ve had to start engaging with people, everybody is all up in my business. I see why people get shot and stabbed. The #gossip game out here is next level.🦉 #NewYork #NY
If you’re a person with standards, morals and ethics, people will make up things about you to look like you don’t. They have nothing bad to say about you and that eats at them because they don’t have that level of self-respect for themselves. 🦉 #wisdom #affirmations
Don’t worry about what I’m doing with my money. Make like Capital One and worry about what’s in YOUR wallet. #mindyabusiness #money #finance
Fat people trying to squeeze themselves into a seat on a NYC MTA train is diabolical. I am currently getting my ribcage crushed everytime the train brakes. Yo ass needs to stand up frfr. And some other pleb smoking weed. Yeah I’m body shaming bc this rude. Not even funny
link test
I can’t tell if I’m pushing myself, or torturing myself
People are always going to position themselves in such a way to make things comfortable for them, not you. So, do whatever the fuck you need to do to reach your goals. #affirmations #vulgaraffirmations #dailyaffirmations
I’m too hardcore for some people