I shifted the site around a bit. Added “Game Room” page and moved the tagboard there because its screwing up my margins on the content panel plus I wanna add more sections to the panel too. Just does not look good having that big box there anyway. Will add more kewl dings to the Game…
Father’s Day
I had shit loads of fun today with my dad. I scooped him up at about 11 in the morning. Although I could tell my mom didn’t want to have anything to do with him, we went to the store to pick up some stuff, and then to my husband’s job to meet him. We…
Apoc sheets are back up
Apoc sheets are back up. The new URL is http://www.hecates.com/sheets … tell all your friends 🙂
I’m Painting the Roses Red
I guess you are wondering where my fetish for Alice in Wonderland comes from?I dunno … I just like the story. ACtually, I just wanted to say I’m painting my hair black.
Dad says he is coming over tomorrow … yeah right. We’ll see if his claim holds water
Wow! people have been downloading the Apocalyptica sheets
APOCALYPTICA SHEETS ARE DOWN Wow! people have been downloading the Apocalyptica sheets like nuts and used all my bandwidth! I have taken them down temporarily. They will be back up again by Monday so I can move them to a new host.
Some People Get It Lucky
Two students receive the gift of education Am I jealous? …. extremely.
Jenny Craig
Today I stood on the scale and found I weigh 150lbs; what a grave disappointment. Not too long ago I weighed 120 … then 127 … then 135 … 145 … I never even saw 140. It crept up on me so quickly. I know, I know, you’re thinking I don’t “look” that big but…
The Park
I went to the park a few days ago, Newport News Park, and I put the pics I took in the Fotografie under Newport News Park. I had a lot of fun; went paddle-boating and bike riding with my hubby. He didn’t quite know how to ride a bike so you can only imagine ……
4th of July
My 4th was a blast and by the time it was over, I was wasted. It began from the time I woke up at 10am until the time I went to bed 11pm. Our festivities jumped off by raiding the stores for pounds and pounds of food, meat, steaks, burgers, chips, yada yada yada. I…