Got this in my email today but not surprised really; I never saw any point in using the card. I never even used mine so it was kind of useless as you can link your Intuit account to any debit card. Oh well, whatever. Dear Customer: Our records indicate that you hold an Intuit GoPayment…
Category: News
SAVE MORRIS BROWN!!: Morris Brown College in deep financial trouble
Morris Brown College in deep financial trouble. Mind blown. It is hard for me to even digest this, how a 131 year old, historically Black college just goes belly up like this. I am sure its founders are rolling in their graves right now. Morris Brown shutting down? How did THEIR STAFF allow this to…
40 Years Later: Is the American Flag Still on the Moon?
The answer is Yes,” said JoAnn H. Morgan, director of NASA/Kennedy Space Center External Relations and Business Development. “Although not visible to the naked eye from Earth, the American flag is still on the moon.” Read more at
I Bet 1,000,000,000 WoW Gold …
That this Akin guy will either have an unexplained “accident” or “mysteriously” come up “missing” [embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=dJheerZWd4g&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4875″ /] In my honest opinion, I think he should drop out the race because not only is his image tarnished by his medieval remarks but also because everytime I see his face on TV,…
Just when I think this country has FINALLY moved forward past it’s color lines ..
Then this crap happens Shooting reported at Sikh temple in Wisconsin … and sends us decades and centuries backwards
My family in the news
my family is from roseboro, nc and this is my cousin buddy (they use his real name William in the video) and his treehouse and he caught the people’s eye in the news lol. i remember when he first started building the place from an empty lot when i was a kid and now its grown…
Burning body found on side of the road in James City County
Two nights ago some random man breaks into a pharmacy and hangs himself from the rafters and now we got people burning bodies on the side of the road. Oh Hampton Roads … we jus keep getting weirder and weirder. Burning body found on side of the road in James City County.
Man killed after the fleeing the scene of a Chesapeake accident
I’m sorry but maybe I’m just demented but I found this kind of funny. Man killed after the fleeing the scene of a Chesapeake accident
UPDATE: Latest report has 2 dead in shooting incident on Virginia Tech campus
UPDATE: Latest report has 2 dead in shooting incident on Virginia Tech campus. Jeez, whats going on with VA Tech? its like turning into thug life up there; they have so many oncampus rage shootings. is something in the caf food?