And my neighbor decides he wants to mow his mf lawn. Come on gimme a break. Some people are sleeping a.k.a. *ME*
Category: Mobile
To Japan
My deepest sympathy goes out to the Japanese people and the people in Japan. My prayers go out to you. I simply could not fathom the difficulties you are going through right now; the pictures and videos I’ve seen of the earthquake and tsunami are so heartbreaking. I wish there were some way I could…
Parked & Rooted
My Mustang and my new place And yes you’re seeing right. The house is pink. Go go Barbie House!
Gas prices so high …
I havent driven anywhere in 3 days. Last I saw it was $3.35 a gallon for regular. The Mustang has been parked and rooted to the driveway for 3 whole days and there will probably be many many more days. Last year when this gas price shit was going on and I had to drive…
Internet Down
/sigh no Internet tonight because it went down about an hour ago. Cox is sending a tech tomorrow. Now for the incoming boredom. Was really hoping to raid tonight and doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen.
Watching X-Files Season 1 First Episode
Spooky Mulder … Full of win
Cox … what’s so fuckin hard!?
Just wanted to say that and get it off my chest. I did a transfer of service to my new address. First they said the service would be on Tuesday, didn’t happen. So I called … they said an error occured in the system and they were waiting for it to be corrected. She told…
A waste of time & space
So I turned on the news on my TV & mobile news on my cell phone today the first thing on was Justin Bieber’s new haircut … WHO GIVES A SHIT!!!!!!
My Cat Allie
My Tortoiseshell (Tortie) cat Allie that ive had for about 12 years I adopted from a veterinary hospital. Although I’ve always thought she looked more like an owl than a cat. She was “dumped” in front of a veterinary hospital. Story goes that someone dropped off a bag of dog food in front of the…
The Best Fries in the World
I have officially ripped off McDonald’s award for best fries in the world and given it to Rally’s Chilli Cheese Fries.