So todays my day off and I decided to work on my website but upon uploading my forums and scrapbook, the formatting was all wrong, backgrounds were missing, pictures were missing but all the text was there like its supposed to be so I was like wtf! Upon further research of the problem, come…
Category: Site Updates
Excuse the Breakage
Updating my web site slowly breaking one day at a time
This is just a rant so if you dont feel like reading this rant close your browser. But for the last few weeks I’ve been diligently trying to integrate into my website and social sites. First last week it wouldnt let me add my feed back. So I moved on to using Twitterlive which…
Finally Finished My MySpace Page
@m Finally got a chance to design my MySpace page … check it out better … it took me 4 hours)
Blogging …
… The blogger’s worst nightmare. I’ve spent hoursjust trying to find a way to link my Blogger, Facebook, MySpace andTwitter accounts so I only have to post to one of them to post to themall. I hate all the social sites yet I got dragged into it because 90%of the people I know use it…
I WIN! Finally got all my feeds to combine and post to FB … could they make it any more complicated? But anywho I’ll be spending my day off from work updating all the retarded social sites like myspace, flickr, and all the interweb mind numbing sites since i have nothing else better to do…
trying to fix a tiny quirk that wordpress doesnt auto load from blogger (again). pretty sure its something im doing wrong. i figured out how to get my new phone to post to blogger from virgin mobile so once i get this one last quirk, im straight.
Just Testing …1
Oh well, somehow I deleted my entire blog posts from 2004; I don’t know how I exactly did that. They are not completely gone but lie somewhere on my blogger index so maybe when I get some time I will create a link to my 2004 posts. I warn that they weren’t very interesting 🙂…
I don’t know what else to say but hi and welcome to my web site, my name is Shaunie and I run I have spent a lot of time on it and contains about two years worth of work. All of the art and drawings on here are all by mine own hand, except…
CRX: First Entry
Welcome to my CRX page which is one of dozens if not hundreds on the Internet. This is a 1991 Honda CRX Si I bought from Hall Honda in Virginia Beach, VA. I got a good deal on it, considering I bought it used with 83,000 miles on it in 1998; I have had the…