Category: Music
björk: moon
Chris Kelly’s autopsy finds no foul play |
He had supposedly had a speedball, which is a combination of cocaine and heroin, the night before he died. Pretty sure everyone suspected that and no one is surprised. Chris Kelly’s autopsy finds no foul play |
Nothing like waking up to the sultry voice of Fairuz!
Today feels like its going to be an awesome day! Allahu akbar! Listening to Trab Antoura by Fairuz [embedplusvideo height=”492″ width=”620″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=BEEFcNE6XkY&width=620&height=492&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep5454″ /]
Officially my theme song for 2013
I’m listening to Me Want Cookie by Cookie Monsta on Pandora
Stop With the Self-Loathing Already!
“Kelly Rowland Didn’t Like Her Dark Skin Color, Says Beyonce’s Mom Helped Her Embrace ‘Chocolatiness’” Read the Article at HuffingtonPost I am the same complexion as Kelly and around the same age. For the life of me I can’t understand where this color hate comes from in the black community. I was raised in a…
Going back to writing music
So I’ve come out of my stupor and decided to get back to writing music. Going to make a few dubstep songs this winter. Aren’t you so excited Rhuk and Brink ;D I know how much you just LOVE dubstep music.
Received in my email today. Support Internet Radio!
To find your Congress Representative, go to and on the top right corner put your zip code in and click “Go”. Your Representative’s name will be listed on the left side. Click on the “envelope” underneath their name and fill out the form and click “Send email”. Hi there, This is Tim, the founder of…
The first instrument I ever learned was the piano taught to me by my grandmother, I think I was about 8 years old. The second instrument I learned was the cello at age 11 and then I learned the acoustic guitar when I was about 25.