For the first time in my life, I feel that my right to vote is threatened. Already there are evil-doers trying any way they can to stop people from voting Democrat from destroying peoples’ registration papers, to changing the rules on voting here in Virginia. Voting here in Virginia has been the same ever since…
Category: Blog
Alkaizer Hits Paragon 100
I video captured it but Camstudio is fail and crashed so I lost the recording. Oh well.
My first Manga
Was digging thru my old games
My Favorite Soundtrack in D3
Queen Araneae the Spider Queen [embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”440″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=WXt6bdGiayI&width=450&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4475″ /]
Terrible Spray
Jus “terribull”
D3 Profiles Are Here!
It’s been much talked about but FINALLY Blizzard put in the character profiles. Looks like it was done just today as I check the D3 site everyday and it wasn’t there yesterday. You can view profiles by logging into your D3 account and clicking “View Profile” below your Battletag.
Awful Bough
Nuff said. Trolled Blizzard style.
D3 Drop Rates
High-end items (items level 61-63) drop in all Acts of Inferno and Acts III and IV of Hell difficulty The new approximate drop rates are as follows: Hell – Act III and Act IV iLvl 61: 9% iLvl 62: 1.9% iLvl 63: 0% Inferno – Act I iLvl 61: 17.7% iLvl 62: 7.9% iLvl 63:…
Rubberbanding Hotfixed
Today Blizzard announced in hotfixes that they patched the rubberbanding issue in Diablo III. Gonna give it a try and see if there’s any improvement. This was a major issue for me so I hope this is resolved. Source: