Gone away is “Owens” … my last name has always been Mohamed of which I changed it to in 2000, I just never made it official on paper. The self-hate ends with me. buh-bye slaveowner name.
Category: Blog
WARNING: New Year’s Resolution
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to speak my mind no matter who you are; no more biting of tongues. So, I apologize in advance if I hurt your feelings … I don’t give a shit about what you think. You told me, so apparently you felt I had an alternative point of view…
Really? Guess It’s Time for a Midnight Snack
Talk about sloppy seconds … how about sloppy 20,000s?
Merry Christmas
Posted from WordPress for Android
The Internet is Supposed to Be Anonymous
So why do I have to use my *real* name on these social networks now or it’s a TOS violation? I don’t want people to find me, if I did, I wouldn’t have “lost” them. Screw you Google and Facebook. I am hereby erasing my identity off the Internet and “renaming” myself to |HaXx3r|
Please Visit My New Site for Gaming
It’s Gross
I have officially just eaten the last fast food hamburger in my entire life. They all just taste too damn nasty now.
Lost my glasses FAWK!
#blind Posted from WordPress for Android
No Hope for Humanity
“I endorse these strippers, I endorse these strippers, I am Nicki Minaj and I support these strippers …” – Heard from a 10-year old girl Can’t you guys see what you’re doing to kids by allowing them to listen to this kind of music or is it just that people don’t care anymore as…