My super Crocs
Author: ΞVΞ
Scammers & Roaches Everywhere
Today was abnormally weird. I woke up to two emails for login pins for my Microsoft account, which turned out to be from Russia and my morning ended with a 911 call to the cops because some loon having a conversation with himself was knocking on my door and wouldn’t leave. I always found scammers…
Time to get some zzz’s
Boring Day
Nothing of interest happened today. I ran to Micro Center to get a new router and then the boyfriend came home with some Funko Pops. My new ones are Winnie the Pooh and Grogu. My all time favorite though he got me months ago is Elliot Alderson from Mr. Robot (bottom right not in the…
The Hardest Thing About Being An Introvert
The hardest thing about being an introvert is the difficulty with helping people emotionally. Because of our disdain for being around people, we try to learn everything we can, so we don’t have to ask anyone for help. This also gives the illusion that we are intelligent, because we seem to be able to do…
Post Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat…
Gorgeous In the Bronx Today
Today was really nice out in the Bronx. It was officially cool (lower 60s), but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I had only went to Checkers to grab a burger and felt like staying out, but everyone must’ve had the same idea, because the Hub was crowded. Actually saw a couple people even…
Absolutely Nothing Happened
If nothing were a day, today was it. Besides watching the world blow up (literally), my new set of #Vooglam #glasses arriving today was the height of my day. I got 8 pair for only $270 and yes they’re prescription. My favorite pair are definitely the pink ones hands down. #journal
Bonsai Buddy
Out of the 5 seeds in the pack of Norway Spruce seeds I got from Botanic Gardens gift shop in D.C., only one appears to have been viable.
Scatterbrains is what I call it. In #WorldofWarcraft, there’s a hunter ability called scattershot where a spray of tiny bullets hit the target. That’s what scatterbrains is like when I have a million thoughts bouncing around my head, but accomplish doing none of them. Each little bullet represents a thought. A task. Then at the…