I went there and asked for a CHICKEN sandwich. They said they don’t sell any. What a joke. Turns out they only sell them in combo form, not just a single chicken sandwich. Dafuq? WHAT KIND OF PANTY HOSE BS …
So wish me luck, pray, kiss the Blarney stone, shake chicken blood on some lizard bones, eat an eye of newt, rain dance, sweep someone toes, throw sugar over your left shoulder, fart in the westward wind while hopping on one foot, pray a thousand times to Lakshmi, cast a soulstone, summon a demon portal,…
At 8am I am rudely awakened by a phone call taking a political survey. At 10am I am interrupted by a vote for Romney propaganda call. At 1pm I get another survey for a “who will I vote for” poll. At 3pm, I get another survey call. At 6pm I am interrupted by a vote…