How To Show #Chrome #GoogleChrome Notifications on Another Monitor if You Have A Multi-monitor PC


I have dual monitors and it is extremely annoying when I am playing games on my larger monitor that I use for my main display, the Chrome notifications kept popping up over my game, sometimes just as I was about to click the location where it pops; almost died to it once.  I also tried just moving it to another corner of my screen but I got multiple notifications at once, I ended up with a page of notifications running down the right side of my games.  Not only is it tacky but I can’t have a bunch of notifications streaming down my screen in the middle of my games.

Unfortunately, there is currently no way in Chrome to set which monitor you want your notifications on; Chrome will always use whatever monitor is set in Windows as the main display.  So I figured well if I can’t change #Chrome, then I’ll change the main display!

A workaround is to go into Windows display settings and just change your main display to the monitor you want the notifications on.

I would think if you are nerd enough to have multiple monitors you would be nerd enough to already know how to change your main display in Windows. BUT if for some reason you don’t know how then just right-click on your desktop, click “Personalize”, click “Display” (way at the bottom left), click “Change display settings”, select the monitor in the image that you want the notifications to pop on, and select “Make this my main display” just below the image, click OK.

And that’s it, now all your Google Chrome notifications will show on the monitor you specified 🙂 .

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