
For the most part the site is up and running. I’ve started using Gallery (thanks Aaron) for uploading pics but I get a funky error about not being able to create thumbnails; something tells me its my server that’s causing it and that exec may not be enabled; but right now I don’t care because I’m too tired to care. But I knew I could get it working. I’m going to have to get in touch with the web host tomorrow because I’m pooped right now.

Next weekend if I’m up for it, I’ll start working on the Honda site. Another thing I have to work on is getting the Archive to The Blog back up; for some reason it just disappeared but knowing me I probably made an error in my HTML coding somewhere; all of 2004 and 2005 are gone. I’ve been working all day and night on this so I probably made a careless mistake. Also, I don’t like the way I have the Art Gallery setup; I may just move that into Pixx once I get Gallery to cooperate; it looks really cheesy the way I’ve got Blake and da Vinci setup right now.



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