My Stance On Donald Trump

Like most people in Gen X as a kid, I grew up seeing Donald Trump as part of pop culture alongside other celebrities like Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Cindy Lauper, Madonna and Michael Jackson. He was known on TV as just the millionaire with a sense of humor that would make random cameos in rap songs, movies, commercials and talk shows. He didn’t seem charismatic at all, he just seemed like a regular cool and common sense, funny guy, like the rest of Hollywood (at that time). He wasn’t seen as an ominous figure, unless you lived in New York and heard the rumblings about his discriminating against Black tenants on his properties or his seeking the death penalty for the Central Park 5 who were falsely accused of raping a woman in Central Park in the 80s.

However, 70+ year old Trump, as the President of the United States, is a complex character for me because he’s not just cut and dry; some of his points are good, but he’s also mixed with horrific. This country does need a great correction, because on one hand there are far too many nonsensical issues that have gotten far out of control in our government such as misspending tax payer money and immigration. But let’s face it, Trump was the only candidate willing to tackle these issues while the others became numb and comfortable with how things are and ignoring We the People. This is the only reason why Kamala lost no matter how her camp tries to twist our arms that she lost because of “misogyny”. Every other candidate in the past was just more of the same shit that got this country in the quagmire that its at. The Democrats had their chance and blew it, in the worst way by using the exact same playbook that cost Hillary her election; campaigning on, ” We have no solutions, but vote for me anyway because Trump’s bad”.

On Racism

I do believe Trump is a racist, hands down. He is an old school, posh racist who makes racism look like common sense because the peasants look up to rich men, and peasants foolishly attach riches to intelligence. He talks “smartly” and wears a suit. Unfortunately, people who fall for this charade get sucked into his deals and next thing they know, they’re on the news crying about leopards eating their faces. I envision he believes Blacks have the right to exist … as long as they’re dancing, giving jazz hands and not touching his doorhandles (unless they’re “the help”). He’s what I call a “polished or classy racist” or in-short a posh racist. Posh racists are the ones who don’t involve themselves in acute racism, like dropping n-bombs, brash behavior, etc. He doesn’t have to do all that because he’s rich, and being an acute racist is peasant behavior, so he achieves getting Blacks and other minorities engineered how he wants by remaining calm and making it sound like logic. You know, the kind of racist who will unleash cops or declare martial law into a Black community to “lower crime” with complete disregard to how law enforcement has historically terrorized the Black community, criminalized and jailed innocent Black people and brought in more crime, drugs and guns themselves. He would call it being “tough on crime”, so he wouldn’t see it as being racist but as a solution to the crime to protect the people and all the bad things that happen around it would just be disregarded as collateral damage. However, that solution is flawed in that it doesn’t account for past transgressions when the same thing was implemented in the past. He is the worst kind of racist because he has money, power and influence to make it happen, neither knows or cares about the repercussions of his actions, and also empowers dickriders who will try to copycat him because of his position in the world. The man doesn’t trust anything unless he sees white people in charge. There’s a reason why all of his daughters and the majority of his sycophants that are women try to achieve the cookie cutter blonde hair and blue eyes, “Aryan” look even though none of them are natural blondes; all of their hair is dyed blonde. Most if not all of them are brunettes, including Ivanka, with the exception of her sister Tiffany. It’s not an accident and its not coincidence. He doesn’t feel comfortable, and all of them likely have some deep-down bias, that all is under control if a white man, and/or blonde haired, blue eyed woman is at the helm.

Border Control

I do believe that we cannot have open borders, so I agree with him on this. If 9/11 taught us anything is that terrorists will harm Americans on their own soil and they’ll go even the lengths of learning how to fly a commercial airliner to do it. I do not understand why having a border that just allows people to evade law enforcement to get in is even a thing. Additionally, the illegal migrant situation here in New York is really bad due to their depletion of resources, gang violence, guns, drugs and heinous crimes they’ve brought along with them. And frankly, if I were a legal immigrant, I wouldn’t want unvetted people here. Not only is that people cheating the system, when they paid so much money to immigrate here the right way, but also, why immigrate here only for the people you’re running away from to show up here too. Especially if you’re here legally and claimed asylum only for your adversaries to potentially show up on your doorstep in America to settle their grievances. It makes legal immigrants less safe.


I don’t remember Trump saying much about Palestine and I believed that to be on purpose. it’s a delicate topic that will anger money; Jews. I had no clue on what his alliance with Netanyahoo (intentional misspelling) looked like, but the whole question mark about their alliance was enough for me not to trust Trump on this point. But his standpoint was not to stop funding Israel, so that is enough to not want to not with him on this point.


I agree with his standpoint on this that federal government should have nothing to do with this. Using taxpayers money to fund sex changes should have never been a thing and definitely not sex changes for inmates. Additionally, I don’t believe that men can have sex changes to “become” a woman, nor vice versa, so I also believe males shouldn’t be playing in female sports. I don’t care what kind of science they use to modify men to lower levels of testosterone as females, they’re still men and will always be men and will also always have a one-up on physical strength. I am not going to chase their gender dysmorphia into reality. Until the day people become frogs and their twig and berries fall off naturally to become a woman, it’s not possible. Additionally, as a woman, I feel like it’s just men trying to invade women’s’ spaces all over again. I don’t understand why they want to be around us anyway, because we’re mean. We are vile to each other so I’m not sure why they think they’d be treated any better over here. They’re just walking into the lions den. And as a woman, we’re not buying that they “feel like a woman” or feel like they’re “born the wrong gender”. I have been a woman my entire life and I can tell you that I never “felt like a woman”. All I see is them feeling like the caricature of a woman, but being a woman is not a “feeling”. We are humans who have vaginas, tits and menstruate. There’s nothing magical about it.

Fake News

No matter which side of the aisle you sit on, you can’t deny Trump sounded the alarm on fake news. You can’t deny Trump made everyone aware of how the media tells events out of context or outright just lies about it. Fake news became more rampant when newspapers started going out of style around mid-2000s and publications were pushed online. But then they lost money because no one was buying news anymore, so many of them shuttered. The ones left behind, moved online but then that started competition of which online outlet was going to break the news first. This led to newspapers rushing to get the story out without verifying anything, and many reports were wrong. The stories that were eventually corrected, weren’t done until weeks or even months later when no one cared about the report anymore and it was old news and people had already mentally digested the wrong information, hence the term “fake news”. However, the new outlet to get news out first wasn’t even a news outlet, it was Twitter and the new social media platform was able to get breaking news out first because real-time news was being broadcasted via photos and video by regular people witnessing whatever event was unfolding as it was happening. News outlets couldn’t compete with that, so that led to news outlets contacting people online asking to use their content, and then resorting to clickbait headlines to get readers’ attention. Often times headlines were misleading and were intended to sound sensational like the tabloids such as The Sun and the National Enquirer. Previously, tabloid-style reporting used to be avoided because they often contained real fake news like alien abductions and Big Foot sightings. At any rate, that’s how fake news began and Trump largely used his platform to expose it.

In closing, my biggest peeve about Trump is his careless way of moving without repercussions of his actions. My fear is that he’s going to set in motion, whether intentionally or not, a chain of events that’s going to start a bunch of little fires that we may not be able to come back easily from, if at all, or will ruin some things for a long time, and of course he’ll just blame it on someone else. Trump just can’t be trusted and the white niggers embedded in his circle that have been salivating for this moment are just waiting for their turn to do their dirty work. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans thought he was a good idea, so America won’t learn until we go through it and learn that we are not impermeable to corruption. Sadly, people won’t realize this until they experience it themselves. Buckle up. 🦉

2 thoughts on “My Stance On Donald Trump

  1. I’m not exaclty sure how to respond. Living in a major city is tough. I’m not up to it. But I’ve seen too many people say “both sides are bad.” I haven’t voted republican in a long time and trump is the end result of their policy positions.

  2. I have the same standpoint that both sides are bad. Republicans are acute racists that create policies to hold Black people back while Democrats are subtle racists that create services to keep Black people exactly where they are. They’re two sides of the same coin

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