The United States of Ameritocracy Is Here & Black Folks Ain’t Ready

The latest political thing that is of concern to me is that Trump plans on abolishing the Department of Education because he believes education affairs should be handled by the states and not at the federal level. But the problem with that stance is that those decisions fell on the lap of the federal government in the first place because the states were too inept, corrupt, disorganized, mismanaged, racist and broke to handle the responsibility themselves which contributed to destitution. It would behoove us to consider that giving the responsibility back to the states again, some states of which who are still dirtbag poor, will be back in bad hands again, if not worse.

July 31, 1979: President Jimmy Carter waves from the roof of his car along the parade route through Bardstown, Ky. (AP Photo/Bob Daugherty, FIle). “Source Jimmy Carter, trounced in 1980, gets fresh look from history”

Just a little background on the Department of Education, the United States has always had an “education sector” since 1867, but it had little to no importance, power or effect, because many Americans and government, just didn’t care about it. After all, education was “a poor person’s problem”. But it was President Jimmy Carter who established today’s Department of Education in 1980 to elevate education’s importance at the national level by giving it a strong voice at the table in the government. At that time, the government still couldn’t have cared less about education. The existing education system among the states was fragmented and mismanaged, so Carter’s dedicated education department was designed to consolidate various education programs scattered across different federal agencies, streamlining their administration and improving efficiency. Its focus was on science education, the “War on Poverty,” and efforts to improve access for minorities, women, and students with disabilities.

Carter believed this separate education department would enhance educational quality and equality across the nation, supplementing state and local efforts. He saw education as crucial for America’s economic, technological, and cultural advancement, and felt a dedicated department was necessary to meet future educational challenges. The creation of the Department of Education also fulfilled his pledge in his 1967 campaign made to the National Education Association pledged to establish a separate, cabinet-level Department of Education. Despite facing opposition from Republicans, who viewed the department as unnecessary and unconstitutional, he signed the Department of Education Organization Act in October 1979, and the department began operations in May of 1980.

Today, the primary functions of the Department of Education is not to propose curricula, education standards, nor establish colleges or schools, as probably many people assume. But rather it’s modern purpose is to collect data on US schools, enforce civil rights and privacy, and to ensure equality in accessing education for the homeless and runaway children. The legacies that Carter’s creation of the Department of Education established are:

  • Elevated Focus on Education
  • Raised the profile of education policy at the federal level
  • Ensured education remains a high priority in national discussions and policymaking
  • Improved Accountability and Efficiency
  • Made public education more accountable for decisions, including budget choices
  • Decreased bureaucratic red tape between school districts and the federal government
  • Potentially saved tax dollars while clarifying the federal role in education
  • Enhanced Equal Educational Opportunities
  • Strengthened equal education opportunities for all students
  • Supplemented and improved efforts at the state and local levels
  • Enforced civil rights statutes in educational institutions
  • Expanded Federal Support for Education
  • Administered Title I funds for low-income schools
  • Managed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  • Oversaw the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Increased Focus on Early Childhood Education
  • Led to continued support for programs like Head Start
  • Provided early learning opportunities for disadvantaged children
  • Data Collection and Research
  • Became a central hub for collecting and disseminating educational research and data
  • Focused national attention on key educational issues
  • Lasting Impact on Higher Education
  • Efforts to reduce student loan defaults
  • Significant increase in spending on student aid

These achievements are what Trump and his administration want to get rid of as if the United States doesn’t already have an education, poverty, homeless or over 300,000 missing and/or runaway children at large problem.

I said all that to say this:

The Black community CANNOT AFFORD the eradication and/or gutting of the Department of Education. I don’t care what good Trump claims he can do for the country as a whole, the Black community CANNOT AFFORD a Trump administration. PERIODT. Full stop. 🛑

The abolishment of the Department of Education is one of the absolute worst things that could happen to the Black community because we already have the lowest education rates in the entire country. And on the heels of that, Trump has also promised to get rid of critical race theory, to pretty much “pardon” any record of white wrong-doing by using time as a weapon. Eventually through time, white people of the future will not know the heinous crimes that their white descendants took part in while eradicating the natives and enslaving the Africans in creating this country. Once again, white people controlling history.

At any rate, Black Americans are the race with the least amount of bachelor’s degrees, with only 27%, we have the least in graduate degrees with only 10%, and 1 out of 10 Black adults, haven’t even graduated high school and I’m not even going to get into the the literacy levels. There are many who can’t even read or write! We are the last in math, but the highest in school expulsions and jails. I am not quite sure how people who are the least in everything in this country thought that they can somehow compete with more educated students of other races, who couldn’t care what happens to Black people, because we aren’t their problem. Without the need of an organization, so those of us who need to utilize it can get a career, our upward mobility is going to slowly wind down further and we are going to get left behind. Additionally, depending on which state and city you live in, it could crush any hopes of even getting a quality high school education.

I can guarantee there is nothing in a grifter and Dutch colonizer administration that’s going to reach back and help the Black community with that, because their belief is that your stupidity for remaining poor and making dumb decisions in a land of prosperity is your own problem.

“We are worse off right now than coming out of slavery”

For many of us, the FAFSA is the only way we can get into any college because our parents didn’t save any money for us to get a higher education. We are coming to the table with $0 in our pockets or in some other cases, even in the negative because our parents decided to put utilities in our name, just to keep the lights on because they managed their money so bad.

For Black people who voted for Trump, I’m not quite sure why they thought gambling with a person they can’t afford, was somehow good for them. Sure, it might be good for the country, who is 70% white by the way, so there is no way most Black people will ever enjoy any of the policies he may put in place, because we won’t meet the criteria to get them. I know Black people who voted for Trump whose kids just do nothing but hang on the street corners. No education if they even graduated high school at all. They claimed they voted Trump to “improve the economy”, but hell, they don’t have a job, now were they ever really interested in working, to even participate in it. It just bothers me that we have a lot of Black people who think that the person in the Presidency has anything to do with their problems, when the problem is with themselves making poor life choices. The cycle of poor life choices in the Black community consist of the following:

  • Unprotected sex/promiscuity leading to unplanned pregnancies
  • Fathers abandoning their children
  • Extended reliance on welfare and other social programs to take care of the children causing the child to become frustrated because their mental and physical interests are not being nurtured on a limited income
  • Single mothers abusing and/or neglecting their children leading to children “acting out” at school school and either being falsely diagnosed with a mental disorder or put on medications they don’t need
  • Sexual irresponsibility by continuing to have unprotected sex after the first child, leading to a household of multiple children with the same or different fathers who have all abandoned them
  • Lack of obtaining college education to financially manage the household
  • Due to not having a college education, the household is on a limited income, leading to poor money management and credit record
  • Parent(s) not reading to their children/preparing them for pre-school and kindergarten causing them to be put in “learning disability” or remedial classes, leading to illiteracy in some cases
  • Due to an improper upbringing, a lack of learning a tradeskill, which causes Black males to sell drugs or other illicit activities that eventually land them in jail
  • Drug (yes, including marijuana) and alcohol abuse leading to mental health issues, financial irresponsibility and overall malaise

I could go on and on actually of the poor life choices that go on in the Black community, but I think this is the most common list. And you can’t say anything about their poor choices that led to their situations because then they get mad and cause a scene, telling you to mind your own business, because you can’t tell them what to do. Obviously, I’m not talking about all Black people, but I was born and raised in the hood, so I’ve lived the chaos first hand from Virginia, to California, to Brooklyn, to Queens, to the Bronx, so I know that it’s most Black people and we all know the kind of Black people I’m referring to here.

Looking at this Tom-foolery, do you really think there’s a place in the Trump administration for this self-inflicted foolishness? The behavior above is what is causing the decline in the Black community, not Kamala, not Trump, Elon, Obama, Biden, the flying spaghetti monster or anybody else. The American people could elect God himself to run this country, but as long as Black people continue to behave this way, the problems will continue and get worse. I often say to myself, you guys boast at being Christian, but neither God nor Jesus wouldn’t approve any of this, and would have nothing to do with you, so what the f-k are you guys even doing?

I get it, it’s the fault of the FBI with the COINTELPRO program, the music and entertainment industry for marketing sex and financial irresponsibility, and the government for injected drugs and guns into the Black community to cause discord. However, at the end of the day, we can’t continue to fall for these mind games. The FBI has literally studied Black people to know what we like, so they can covertly sow discord among us. We are the only group of people in this country whose culture is being used against us to destroy us, so we have to do our own due diligence to stop the cycle of this clowning and we can only do that with a proper education. You can’t fight what you don’t know. We can’t fight and rebuild if there’s uneducated people walking around who are too ignorant to know they’re being attacked and too gullible to defend themselves against it.

That said, this is a capitalist country, so the American government has adopted this “get rich quick” mentality on everything. Rather than investing in its own citizens, it likes to import brains from other countries. Unfortunately, this causes a vacuum to those countries, because it sucks all the talent out of said countries which causes those countries to never be able to build up their own workforce and industries. So like the American way to steal resources, it also steals brains. Nothing has changed in that aspect, so with that in mind, please be aware that you’re on notice that there is no space in the Trump administration for the vast majority of the Black community because of lack of education. Trump is not going to invest in you. In fact, he will invest in Mohammad Patel in Mumbai before he invests in any plight of a Black person next door, not because he doesn’t like Black people, but because the American government just never invests in their own citizens. Ever. It’s far more abundant, profitable and efficient to outsource and import talent from elsewhere. The U.S. government wants to get rich quick while leaving its own people in the dust, including you Black person.

I do not trust Elon because he comes from a ilk of old-colonization, where people who are perceived as smart and have something to offer the country, are superior (they will never say the quiet part out loud) and people are foolish to think that that mentality would not show eventually. I believe everyone wants what is best for this country, but let’s get real here, if you’re voting against your interests in the name of “patriotism”, it will be to the benefit of someone else who is not going to trickle down that “patriotism” back to you, so it’s best to always vote in your best interests, because that’s exactly what those people are doing to you. I.e, they know Trump has biases, but they voted for him anyway and said “screw you”.

Meritocracy is a society where status, rewards, and influence are distributed based on individual achievement, ability, and talent rather than wealth or social class. And while that sounds good on paper, we know that will not be a system that will have a ladder for Black people in it because the vast majority of Black people aren’t “achieving” right now, and white people have always cheated in systems like this, by using the pain of others to get themselves a come up, time and time again. Using their money, power and influence, will always end in a corrupt system where white people will mostly benefit.

The Black community is littered with a lot of turmoil, so do you think there’s going to be any place in a Trump and Elon presidency for us? Absolutely not. People who are concerned about just surviving unfortunately, aren’t thinking about an education. And the Black men and the poor who voted for Trump, I feel, are going to be in for a rude awakening, once Trump’s policies start coming down the belt. He’s going to set in motion policies, that most of us will not be included in because we don’t match the demographic he’s targeting.

A lot of Black people voted for something they aren’t ready for. The Trump presidency with his Elon sidekick whispering in his ear, is going to put in place things that are going to be way over the heads of most Black people. Not that a Kamala presidency would have been any better, because Democrats haven’t provided any solutions for anything in decades, but I feel that at least with a Democrat or even an Independent party presidency, it would not have resulted in the removal of the Department of Education. But now a Trump presidency, is setting up a presidency where Black people aren’t looked at at all because the policies that will be put in place are going to be ones that will go right over most Black peoples’ heads or not include any of us at all.

In closing, I understand those Black people who voted for Trump want a better country, but the vast majority of Black folk ain’t ready. Too many Black men hanging on corners playing street games and too many babies momma’s without a dime or a career in their pocket; neither of who get an education, if they graduated high school at all, aren’t ready. The Black community just has too many niggas. We ain’t ready and white people don’t care anymore. 🦉

“Time is running out. Black people have always had a certain amount of moral currency … that’s used up.”
I started this video at his “Moral Currency” speech to go along with my previous comments, but please play the video from the beginning to watch Aaron McGruder’s entire speech about the Black community and the destruction of our image in the media.

Sidenote: R.I.P. President Jimmy Carter. You were the President when I came into this crazy world and I thank you for your service, for making it a little less crazy place for me.

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