Elon Goebbels

Not even 5 fucking minutes into the Trump Presidency yet and it’s already marred by Elon Goebbels. This moron decided it was a great life decision, and good imagery for the country, to make a Nazi salute during his speech at Trump’s 2025 Presidential Inauguration. I swear, you can’t make this shit up.

Jewish people around the world just gasped and clutched their pearls in unison. This is such bad optics for the United States, especially with the Israel-Hamas ceasefire and hostage exchange in progress. You can’t run a “unify the American people” campaign by starting it up with Sieg Heils.

He’s like the unhinged frat at the party that’s had too many beers and Adderall. Save this ratchet shit for the Trump rallies that will get buried into obscurity by the algorithm, and not for international, televised, presidential ceremonies where every action gets scrutinized and logged into U.S. history books while every world leader is watching.

Elon Himmler’s dick-riders and shills will just shrug it off as “a joke” or “we’re reading too hard into it” though.

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