What’s your favorite candy?
I am not big on candy, because it’s just not a food of choice for me. Sure I have some occasionally but I just don’t see the point of it. My Mom never bought us candy save around Halloween, our birthdays and Christmas, so I never developed a taste for it. But if cake were a candy, that would definitely be my favorite.
My favorite candy I would have to say is just a good old fashioned, uninteresting, chocolate bar. Preferably fudge when I can afford it. I like the kind where I can taste the cocoa beans and not the hard sugar tasting ones, so Nestlรฉ is cool, but good old fashioned, homemade chocolate bars are 10 times better because it’s not overbearing with sugar.
Growing up in Virginia, there used to be a little mom and pop chocolate factory kiosk at the local mall where you could watch them make fresh, homemade, chocolate candy from scratch. They made the classic brown chocolate, but also white chocolate in little bitesize drops similar to Hershey Kisses all the way up to large chocolate bars that looked like they popped out of a Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory. They were truly a magical place with chocolate bunnies and all kinds of whimsical candies made from chocolate.
But I don’t indulge in candies much because I just don’t see the point. They aren’t snacks, they’re just junk. Sugar is highly addictive so it’s just not worth the risk of making it a habit. Pellets of poison that can rot your teeth, contributes to the onset of diabetes and causes obesity. I just don’t see that as a logical tradeoff, so although I do like chocolate, I probably only eat it once a month, if even that much. I typically go months without eating any candy at all. ๐ฆ