The Black Church
The black church is the reason why the black man is in the condition he’s in. If you think about it y’all the black chuch is not designed for the…
The black church is the reason why the black man is in the condition he’s in. If you think about it y’all the black chuch is not designed for the…
… When you’re in either of them, no one can hear you scream.
When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’ | Diary of a Walking Butterfly. Excellent article I just read.
No really … I am
Okay, I just went through the most frustrating thing when trying to link my Facebook account to my account. Everytime I tried to connect it, I would get the…
Is it normal for your throat to start burning when chewing Ice Breaker’s peppermint ice cubes gum? Lord Jesus there’s a fire! … In my throat!
Because its slow and no one’s calling!
I’ve always wanted to be able to use my Google Voice number with Facebook because I don’t like linking anything to my phone’s native phone number since I never give…
Stop lying to children telling them that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. He didn’t discover anything. If anything he was the LAST one to know because there were already people all…