The Exorcism of Emily Rose

The day started off really fucked up with all the rain we had but also today was my Mom’s birthday so we kicked it off with a dinner and a movie after the thunderstorms rolled through. We went to go eat at Golden Corral; luckily it was seafood night. I went up to get me some shrimp and one of the chef gys says to me, is that dye in your hair? The question threw me off because I wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about … then I thought, oh dimwit, you just died your hair purple. So I told him, oh, that’s just purple gel. He says, it looks cute and then he says so do you. Hmm. Now, I have never been good with meeting people, I always try to be cool and intellectual but instead I always turn into a bumbling fool. Ya know … when you talk and you end up sounding like George Bush?

But anyway, I wrote my number on a piece of paper and handed it to my Mom’s 9 year old Godson and told him to give it to him. He does. My cousin came back and said that he said I should have given him my number myself. I thought to myself, what friggin difference does it make. If you really were interested in me, what difference does it make how you get my number … just so you get it. So I figure it like this … if he calls, so be it … if not, so be it.

So next off we head to the movies. My Mom and the others went to go see some movie called Roll a Round, or Roll Bound or something. I, being the horror movie lover, went to go see The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I’ll try not to spoil it for you if you haven’t seen it yet, but it was a good movie. The girl who plays Emily Rose was surprisingly the “Cellulite Sally” girl in White Chics. I don’t know her name but I distinctly remember the scene in White Chics where she went psycho in the dressing room. But anyway, Exorcism of Emily Rose turned out to be really good. My favorite part is when she falls asleep in the dorm room with her boyfriend only for him to wake up and find her all contorted on the floor … now THAT SHIT was scarey! But I won’t ruin it for ya’ll who haven’t seen it yet. Overall, I give it an A-. I don’t give it an A+ because although it was scarey, there was wayyy too much dialogue in between the scarey parts. It needed more scarey clips.

Tomorrow I’m going to go see Cry Wolf with a friend so I can’t wait to see how that turns out.

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