Whew, who’d ever thought it would come around again so quickly. What did I get? I got a bag full of Avon cosmetics, a new supermacro lens for my camera, a $25 gift card to the mall and a new Yo-Yo Ma CD; I LOVE YO YO MA!! I loved all my gifts. I can’t…
Year: 2005
World of Warcraft
Ever since I was a kid, I don’t remember a time without some kind of video game and for the last two weeks, I have really liked World of Warcraft. I play a Night Elf Druid named Xeneca. I’m only a level 9 but I play on the Skywall server so if you see me,…
Anti-Asshole Alarm
Now this morning I wake up, go to my car to start my day and there is pink fruit drink poured on the passenger side of my car. Ya know, I don’t know if I am just having bad luck with this car or someone thinks its funny to start fucking around with me, or…
Well, my grades came out this morning at school … I’m kind of disappointed at my speech grade though. Funny thing was that the class I was worried about, I got a B in and the class I thought I was doing good in I got a C. Go fig. I must have done really…
Sorry-Ass Fuckers
Some asshole took it upon theirselves to I guess hit my car with a hammer last night. I didn’t find the big-ass dent on my drivers side above my window until I woke up this morning. Even though I had no intention on keeping this car … now this gives me even more reason not…
Company Christmas Party
I went to my company’s Christmas party last night. It was fun; at least its something to get me out of the house for a few hours. I went with my buddy Mike, and then afterwards I went to his house and we played WarCraft. Luckily Dirk was able to fix my S1 before the…
Got My Canon EOS Digital Rebel!!
It was a spur of the moment purchase. Damn I hate impulse buying but I have always wanted me one of these fuckers and I got it before it sold out. It’s my first DSLR. Refurbished for $400 but I can’t tell. The shit is wonderful … now, if I can only figure out how…
My S1 Broke!!!
Well, like many of the S1’s, my pop-up flash is stuck closed and I Don’t want to yank it up and break it. Great. I was going to my company’s Christmas party on the 10th so how the hell am I going to be able to take pictures in the dark? Well, I guess off…
Got My Dell
Today, I finally got my Dell Inspiron 2200 laptop and I can’t put it down. At first I was not impressed with its speed but after uninstalling all the Dell junkware and rebooted, it runs like a charm. Feels good to have a laptop again; the last one I had I spilled tea on it…
Dude I Gotta Dell
I bought me a Dell notebook yesterday; an Inspiron 2200 for $549 (including shiipping) with a free printer. What I don’t like about Dell is that you can’t go to the store and buy one. I hate waiting for stuff to ship and hate wondering if its going to be dropped in shipment even less….