Life Slippin Through My Fingers

Today I got the most heart-breaking letter in the mail saying that in order to be accepted into Hampton University, I had to come up with $2,822.00 by July 1st … please take note that July 1st is 17 days away. There is no way in the world I can come up with that amount of money in so short of a time. So I asked the school cashier what about the almost $10,000 I have in scholarships and loans … her response was that I have to come up with the $2,822.00 out of pocket … no loan or scholarship money can be used for the first payment. I called Professor Bracy and asked him about the music scholarship money and he said that he can’t give me any of it until the first day of class which of course means I can’t use any of that money either because without getting through the financial approval, I won’t have a first day of class. A door slammed in my face once again by my own people.

I simply don’t understand why people (especially black people) make it so hard for their own to progress through life without a price tag being attached to it upfront; it just fucking pisses me off. After I hung up with the cashier, I just broke down in tears because there is no way in the world I can come up with $3,000 in so short of a time .. two weeks.

My mom said for me to ask my dad … I thought to myself, why should I fuckin bother … he has never spent a dime on me in my entire existance on planet Earth so why should I hope he will give me $3,000 for my college education; he didn’t give me jack all through Elementary, Middle, or High school so why break the habit now? Deadbeat mutherfucker. Meanwhile, he’s bragging to all his friends and neighbors that his daughter got accepted into Hampton University, it’s only the black college with close to 90% successful graduate rate in the entire country

My mom confronted him about the money and of course, he did just as I suspected, tried to worm his way out of it. Another door slammed in my face.

Why do men always want something for free meanwhile leaving the women to fend on their own but when they are successful, then they want to be the first at the door? Someone please answer me this.

It does not look like I will be attending Hampton University this year either. I was suppose to be there last year but this is the same problem that occurred before … no money.

Here I am trying to make life better for myself and no one is supporting me in anything but my Mom and she can’t do it all on her own. She is also paying for my sister’s education.

Posted in RL

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