How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?
I used to date guys and wondered why they’d turn out to be complete jerks. They were either cheaters or free-loaders. But after so many failed relationships, I became successful at seeing all the red flags.
π© A guy says he lives with his mom? Nope, have a nice day. I’m not going to deal with a man who can’t take care of himself.
π© If a guy says he’s broke, no thanks. The only woman he needs to be talking to is the one in the financial management line, because what I’m not going to be doing is paying his way for everything.
π© Dude says he doesn’t have a job? Seeing the point above.
π© If a guy drinks excessively while we’re out, so am I. Dating alcoholics is a deal-breaker. Been there, done that. I’m not dating a patient.
π© Dating a guy with kids is a huge no. If he couldn’t maintain a relationship with his family, what makes him think he can maintain a relationship with me? He can’t. Boy, go take care of your family! Plus, I’m not trying to be a baby momma.
π© Drug dealer? Oh, so you’re not only dumb, but you’re a criminal. That’s a hard no. You just want to do anything but work.
There’s a bunch of other red flags, but I think you get what I mean.Β Some people may think these are harsh or that I’m mean, but I’ve dated guys who had these red flags, and they all just turned out to be disasters and a waste of my time. Nothing good ever comes from men who are like this, so they’re not worth your energy.
You have to set boundaries with men, or they’re just going to just run all over you. Being compassionate to their irresponsibilities will just land you with a man-child that will eventually just get on your nerves and drain your wallet dry. There are men out here who really be looking for a woman to take care of them!
Hopefully, my tips from all my failed relationships helps you get successful at weeding out the bad ones.