How I spent my 4th of July …

… dodging rogue fire works.  Apparently, 4th of July is a big deal in Chicago.  I initially went to sleep around 10pm, early because I was so tired from traveling all day still.  We went to taste of Chicago, which I will post pics later, but after we went home since we got rained out.  They had been popping off fireworks all day but seems like one of my neighbors aunts was having a block party and thats when all hell broke loose.  There was loud music, cars coming down the street and then we heard the "canons" and car alarms going off.  People were lighting off fireworks in the streets. But then I looked out the window and saw some kid intentionally throw fireworks into the neighbors grass yard by his garage, it went boom, I saw sparks coming from the grass and then a canon sound went off taht made me hit the floor. I was like wtf!  Keep mind u this is near our windows and firework sparks were bouncing off the garage roofs when it went off … and this went on for hours.  Police came and broke it up a few times. All I could say was wow.

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