Lincoln Park Zoo

So today we went to Lincoln Park Zoo.  I posted all the pics on Flickr Photostream if you want to see.  It was all fun except that it seemed like every single animal in the park kept evading having their photo taken.  The gorillas kept turning their backs or hiding in the trees.  The colobuses kept hiding and sleeping behind logs.  I never got a pic of the chimps because they hid up on their little tree house thingy and never faced the crowd.  And then there was the hippos where there were so many damn children running in front of the cage and screaming, I wouldn’t have heard a nuclear explosion outside; I couldnt take a pic of crap.  I wanted to drop kick someone’s kid in the neck because everytime the hippo came by, the little snotlets ran in front blocking every possible view on every angle.  But then there were the meerkats who just kept posing for everyone. Either way it still fun and I still got some good pics.

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