Pfft Scrubs

Theres nothing I hate more than using my Kingslayer title to
do heroic modes when I get in a pug ICC run … than have heroic gear rolled
on and won by a tank rolling *OFFSPEC* that I desperately needed for my main
spec as an upgrade. And yes … thats what happened people yet AGAIN by a
paladin. Heroic Bone Drake’s Enameled Boots … gone to a paladin again.
First time it dropped, a paladin ninja’d them and then ninja logged. Second
time they dropped, I lost the roll to a pally tank rolling offspec. Third
time they dropped was last night on *MY* Kingslayer heroic mode that none of
them would have even gotten if it weren’t for me because I was the only
Kingslayer in the raid. And to top it off I carried them thru the entire
instance the whole night, top DPS amd Damage Done on every boss by a
landslide, up to Putricide who btw we didn’t kill because people not knowing
the fight. Couldnt do heroic Rotface because people didnt know the fight
there either. So next time if I’m the only Kingslayer, I’m telling the raid
lead boots are on reserve or they all can go screw themselves. Not letting
noobs use me for my title. Eff that scrubs.

[6] [G�r]: Recount – Damage Done for Overall Data
[6] [G�r]: 1. G�r 23791862 (8645.1, 20.2%)
[6] [G�r]: 2. Scarythought 19736785 (7166.5, 16.8%)
[6] [G�r]: 3. Bloodywarloc 19644804 (8140.1, 16.7%)
[6] [G�r]: 4. Rubmycritt 14618997 (6760.9, 12.4%)
[6] [G�r]: 5. Leetpwnqt 12807185 (6101.5, 10.9%)
[6] [G�r]: 6. Blesha 10098949 (3710.0, 8.6%)
[6] [G�r]: 7. Mcnulty 8838807 (3896.4, 7.5%)
[6] [G�r]: 8. Systane 7627227 (3076.2, 6.5%)
[6] [G�r]: 9. Flaafenn 1401340 (695.9, 1.1%)
[6] [G�r]: 10. Carrionbasher 794386 (973.2, 0.6%)

… carried

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